Issues of education and careers
Fundamental Preoccupations
- We claim to teach and learners claim to learn
- Do we know those we are teaching?
- Do teachers know themselves?
- Do the learners know themselves?
- If the answers to these questions are NO, then who is teaching, who are we teaching, and are those we are teaching really learning?
- In other words to effectively teach and learn implies knowledge by the teachers of their own innate intelligences, interests, skills, temperament, learning styles, and values, and knowledge by the teacher and knowledge by the learner of the latter’s innate intelligences, interests, skills, temperament, learning styles, and values
- Knowledge of the teacher and learner implies guidance and counseling. In other words, guidance and counseling are the foundation of effective and efficient teaching and learning. Why? Because foundation guidance and counseling will minimize dis-orientation, ignorance, drop out, stress, burnout, waste of resources, unemployment, underemployment, unemployability, and many other shortcomings of contemporary education systems
Career Success
Career Success is based on discovering one’s Ideal Occupation derived from Individualized/Personalized Fields of Work, which is a function of multiplying one’s Dominant Intelligences and Learning Styles by Dominant Values, Interests, and Personality.
If Intelligences and learning styles indicate what we CAN DO (Fields of Work), Values, Interests and Personality point out what we LIKE DOING (Ideal Occupation). What we CAN DO is not necessarily what we LIKE DOING, and what we might LIKE DOING is not always what we CAN DO. But if what we CAN DO equals what we LIKE DOING, then we have found our LIFE’S AUTHENTIC OCCUPATION.
- The workplace is now called the New World of Work
- Over ninety percent of jobs will disappear over the next decade, or be reconfigured beyond recognition
- Developing a career that can withstand the constant change is a key issue facing workers and career seekers
- In the New World of Work it is dangerous to define your work by the tasks that make up your job description, for if those tasks are no longer required when things change, then YOU may no longer be required
- To future proof your career, understand yourself as a person with certain basic strengths that can be utilized in many different ways, and in many different situations
- Talent is one of the key concepts around which to base future careers
- In rapidly changing environments, employers are more interested in someone who has demonstrated certain talents than in formal qualifications
- Most contemporary career planning is still based on thinking from the “old economy” of the Industrial Age
- As knowledge and information systems become increasingly sophisticated, they take over more and more of the lefty brain repetitive, systematic, computational work that many workers currently do. Increased automation implies elimination of the latter type of tasks
- Continually upgrade your knowledge in order to learn new ways you can contribute to your organization
- Keep up-to-date with the computer systems used in your organization
- Look for work opportunities which use your right brain, creative, complex intuitive and judgmental powers
- It is vital to know that when it comes to interpersonal and intrapersonal aspects of work, employers need human beings not machines, making the former to be areas for continuous improvement
- Six Knowledge Age Skills are vital in the New World of Work. These include communication skills, team skills, adaptability skills, computer skills, business skills and learning skills
- The right answers to two of life’s biggest questions concerning what you are going to do with your life, and what you are going to do for a living constitute the source of purpose, passion, happiness and a fulfilled existence
- Fulfilling one’s life’s purpose implies becoming conscious of how one can make a contribution to the world, in a way that uses a unique mix of a person’s gifts and talents while at the same time giving him/her a sense of fulfillment
- In the career counseling process, if you need meaningful outputs, you need to start with meaningful inputs. The right inputs for revealing your Authentic Career Direction are the unique building blocks that comprise you as an individual: your intelligences, learning styles, values, interests, and personality
- Your individual mix of intelligences, learning styles, values, interests, and personality determines the fields of work you are best suited to
- If intelligences and learning style guide the field of work, or profession that you work in, your temperament type is about finding the best type of work for you within each profession. Thus, identifying the type of work situations which provide you with the highest levels of satisfaction is directly linked to your temperament type
Three Fundamental Questions
Who am i?
Knowing Myself
What are my fundamental talents and potentials?
What is my life’s purpose?
Living Your Life “On Purpose”?
Why Work?
- a. Is it to earn a living (get a salary)?
- b. Is it to live, i.e., to serve (give out to the world)?
- Until you have identified the broader issues of your mission in life, your searching might be in vain;
- You must figure out the best way to make a real contribution to the world;
- You must make the best and unique mix of your gifts and talents;
- You must at the same time be able to obtain the highest levels of personal satisfaction and fulfillment.